Faith Formation

Cluster Coordinator of Religious Education: 
Gloria Kisor

Office Hours:
9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. 
Wednesdays the schedule rotates. 


Site Coordinators:
Please note that site coordinators are volunteers who help out the CRE by being present in their parish on Youth Faith Formation Class night only.  Please do not contact these individuals for Faith Formation business.  Please direct all questions to Gloria Kisor, CRE.  Thank you.

St. Francis Xavier: Bobbi McVey
St. John: Tori Jergenson
Sacred Heart: Mary Lindstrom

"All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children." Isaiah 54:13

The Holy Family Cluster is truly a family – rich in relationships that matter most. In our religious education programs, we can grow, worship, learn, and reach out to each other in what is most important: the faith formation of our children! Faith begins in the home, and the catechists who volunteer in our programs are committed to helping parents form their young children in the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ.

At baptism, parents promise to accept the responsibility of training their children in the practice of the Catholic faith... and teaching them to keep God's commandments by loving God and our neighbors. To help honor this promise, your children should be registered in our parish religious education program. We pray that you will also take an active role in nurturing the gift of faith in your children as a family. Raising them to love and follow Jesus Christ and His church is the greatest gift you can give them - one that will remain in their hearts for a lifetime.

A two-year preparation is required for receiving the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist. These sacraments usually take place in the 2nd grade. In order to properly know their faith, children should complete eight years in our religious education program before moving into the Confirmation programs. Though not required, pre-k and kindergarten classes are an excellent way for young children to begin learning about God and His love for us.

We encourage you to read about and explore the many wonderful programs and activities for children that are offered here at our cluster family. We invite you to consider joining us as volunteers in the very important and rewarding work of children's ministry.

Come see why children are such a precious and vital part of our Holy Family Cluster!