Parish Events and Opportunities

Our parishes host several events and fundraisers throughout the year.  These gatherings are a wonderful opportunity to volunteer and interact with members of the church community.  The following are a few examples of events and opportunities.


Youth Faith Formation Classes : Held Wednesday evenings from September through May to ensure the faith and religious education of our parish's children.  To register or to find out more about the classes, contact Gloria Kisor in the Cluster Office.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): Know of someone who has the desire to become Catholic or perhaps just wants to learn more about the religion?  Here is the answer.  These meetings are held for the cluster at St. John Parish in Clarion and do require registration.  For more information, visit the
Cluster RCIA page.

Ministries: These ministries, such as being a greeter, lector, eucharistic minister, altar server, participating in the home bound ministry, and music ministry, are purely on a volunteer basis.  These ministries help to meet the needs of not only the parish but its parishioners.  We always welcome new volunteers.  If you are a member and would like to help or feel called to help the church in any manner, please contact the parish office and we can find a place for you in one of these ministries.  Training is provided.

Advent and Lent:  To prepare for Christmas and Easter, scripture studies and bible studies are often offered.  On Thursdays during Lent, the church hosts Stations of the Cross followed by a soup supper and spiritual growth activity.  In addition, many other opportunities are made through the the seasons of Advent and Lent, including the Cluster Lenten Retreat and Adoration before Masses.

Fundraiser Dinners:   These dinners are held throughout the year.  Included is the Irish Stew Supper and July 4 Supper at St. Francis Xavier, the Swiss Steak Dinner and Salad Luncheon at St. John, and Salad Luncheon and Wright County Fair Food Stand at Sacred Heart.  These events help raise money for the church, its committees and ministries.  Good food, conversation and a great time can always be found.  Watch the bulletin and the Cluster calendar for the next upcoming dinner!